
Parents have the RIGHT to:

  • Expect a high level of professionalism, academic excellence and student services from Arcadia University programs.
  • Appropriate levels of communication with Arcadia regarding our programs abroad and service offered to students.
  • Be able to contact Arcadia staff immediately in the case of any student emergency or health-and-safety concern.
  • Be confident that their children are placed in a safe environment.
  • Expect that their children will be able to follow Arcadia policies and to contact Arcadia in-country staff at any time in case of difficulty or emergency.

Parents have the RESPONSIBILITY to:

  • Expect that the majority of our communications will be directly with their son or daughter, but feel free to ask us for clarification or program updates.
  • Keep open communication with their son or daughter about the details of their study abroad program that includes but is not limited to academic information, travel arrangements, and finances. Responsible communication is the cornerstone of a successful study abroad experience.
  • Understand the  that Arcadia expects all students to adhere to in order to ensure a successful semester abroad.
  • Be aware of and research student finance arrangements, something which is dependent on the students’ home university and its financial aid policies.
  • Empower their son or daughter, through extensive support and preparatory guidance, to take the lead in managing their study abroad experience.
  • Understand FERPA regulations as they apply to dissemination of student information; please know that for your child’s safety, .