
Unlike most programs through The College of Global Studies at Arcadia University, students attending programs in New Zealand are automatically enrolled in health insurance through the New Zealand government's mandated insurance plan.

Health and Insurance in New Zealand

  • All foreigners in New Zealand are required to have health insurance valid for use in New Zealand before departing the US.
  • Arcadia students studying in New Zealand will be provided with coverage from . The Studentsafe policy is offered to all Arcadia students by Auckland, Canterbury, Victoria and Otago universities.
  • Students in New Zealand should visit the University Health Centre for any medical and mental health care. University Health Centres will directly bill Studentsafe for care.
  • The University Health Centre will refer students to specialists outside the University if needed. For care outside the University, Studentsafe operates primarily on a reimbursement basis. Therefore, most medical treatments, doctor visits and medication MUST be paid for in cash at the time of treatment. (Some doctors will accept credit card payments.)
  • You are required to keep all receipts and itemized statements as they are required by the Studentsafe insurance company for reimbursement.
  • The International office at each New Zealand university will explain the process to receive reimbursement for medical bills and stolen or damaged property. They can also help with any other insurance matters.

You should plan ahead and budget for medical treatment and doctor appointments. While most treatments require cash payments, we recommend extending your credit card limits to ensure you have the ability to cover any required expenses.

Medical Services in New Zealand

The Arcadia New Zealand office has a list of contacts for local physician services to handle non-emergency situations such as colds, fevers, ongoing treatments, etc. Please check with your program manager (before departing for New Zealand) or with the Arcadia New Zealand office to address arrangements that can/should be made prior to departure.

When receiving medical care, you must ask for an original receipt to submit to Studentsafe for reimbursement. Copies of receipts should be made and kept for your personal records. While Studentsafe will cover most doctor visits, the should be referenced for more information.

For emergency situations, there are major hospitals throughout New Zealand. You will be given a comprehensive list of emergency numbers and more details about health and safety during orientation when you arrive.

Pharmacies and Medication

For students that take prescription medication for a chronic ailment, we strongly suggest you bring enough medication to last your entire stay. The New Zealand government allows visitors to bring a three-month supply of some, but not all prescription medications. Your program manager will contact you individually with specific guidelines outlined by the New Zealand Ministry of Health. Each prescription medication brought to New Zealand must be accompanied by:

  1. A written description of the medical problem from the prescribing physician
  2. The dose of the medication
  3. The generic name(s) of the medication.  
  • Prescription medications must remain in their original containers. Keep in mind that drugs approved in the US may be banned in other countries. Please contact the New Zealand consulate for additional information.
  • Be sure to keep a list all medications you regularly use and have adequate supplies of special items.  
  • Brand names and dosages differ from the U.S., and you may have difficulty tracking down the specific medication you want.  
  • Be sure all prescriptions you take with you are labeled with your name, the name of your physician, and the generic name of the medication.  
  • If you have a medical condition that might require emergency treatment, we strongly encourage you to wear a Medic-Alert bracelet or pendant.

It is crucial that you provide both the Arcadia domestic and New Zealand staff with all information that would help them in assisting you in an emergency. The information you provide will remain confidential and will only be disclosed in emergencies or where necessary for your treatment.

Special Medical Needs

If you have any medical or psychological conditions that may require attention from a physician or psychiatrist during your stay in New Zealand, please be sure to have your physician/psychiatrist prepare a detailed summary of the condition to ensure proper treatment. One copy should be carried with you to New Zealand; one copy should be left with a parent or guardian.

You should also inform us of any special needs; including dietary restrictions and/or preferences, physical concerns or learning disabilities, allergies and strict religious observances in advance of your arrival. This will help us prepare for your special needs ahead of time.

If you are currently undergoing treatment for physical or mental health diagnoses and wish to have access to similar services in New Zealand, contact your Program Manager to discuss options.

Additional Resources

  • has a useful checklist for students with chronic health conditions, as well as other disability and health-related travel materials.
  • provides the US State Department's updated travel information details, visa requirements and medical care news.