
Queen Mary University of London Courses

You will enroll in courses at Queen Mary University of London and have the option of completing an Internship or Independent Study with Arcadia. 

  • Please review your courses with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure they will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.
  • Please be flexible – we can’t guarantee specific courses. If your participation in the program depends on a particular course, be sure to make a note on your .

Special Considerations

On this program, you have the option of taking one course with Arcadia offered through the Arcadia London Center to replace one of your courses at Queen Mary. You may select one of the options below.

  • Internship: Complete an Internship placement arranged by Arcadia and related 4-credit Internship Cornerstone course with Arcadia for academic credit. See the  for information about placement details.
  • Independent Study: Work with an Arcadia faculty supervisor on a 4-credit semester-long independent research project to produce an original research paper and presentation of your findings. 

Course Restrictions

  • Students interested in level 5 and 6 Drama modules must have significant experience in related subjects at the university level. 
  • Level 5 and 6 English modules are open to English or Arts/Humanities majors only.
    • Literature courses are also available in the Languages, Linguistics and Film department.
  • Level 4 Economics modules require knowledge of calculus.
  • For Level 5 and 6 Economics and Finance modules priority is given to Economics and Finance majors.
  • Courses in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science have enrollment caps for visiting students. Please reach out to your Program Advisor for further details.

Choosing Your Courses

 When completing your Academic Preferences Form:

  • Arcadia Courses: Indicate if you are interested in enrolling in an Internship or Independent Study through Arcadia. 
  • Queen Mary Courses: List at least one alternate course for every course you select, securing approval for at least 8-10 courses per semester.
  • : You may elect to participate in a specialized course track in the English or Drama department with three prescribed courses based on a centralized theme and one elective from the general course catalog. Students in these tracks are given preference for high-demand courses in the English and Drama departments. 

Arcadia Courses

You may select one of the following course options below.

Internship Placement & Internship Cornerstone Course

You must enroll in the Internship Cornerstone Course if you select an Internship placement.

LONS INPR 210 Work in Thought and Action 4 Fall/Spring

Independent Study

LONI STIS 370 Independent Research - London 4 Fall/Spring

Queen Mary University of London Courses

You will enroll in 4 courses at Queen Mary if you do not take an Arcadia course, and 3 courses at Queen Mary if you do take an Arcadia course. The courses available to study abroad students are located on the . The courses for the School of English and Drama Thematic Programmes are available .

When searching for courses, you must filter so that the “Associates” option reads “yes.” It is also important to pay attention to course levels:

  • Level 4 / First Year - Introductory, No background required
  • Level 5 / Second Year - Sophomore and Junior level. Some background, plus relevant pre-requisites
  • Level 6 / Final Year - Senior, Advanced. 5-6 prior courses in the subject, plus relevant pre-requisites
  • Level 7 - Graduate level; you cannot take these.
Queen Mary Course Unit Values U.S. Credit Equivalent
15 credits 4 U.S. credits
30 credits 8 U.S. credits
60 credits 16 U.S. credits

Most courses at Queen Mary are worth 4 U.S. credits (15 Queen Mary credits).

Some intensive Drama, Film Studies and Engineering classes are worth 8 U.S. credits each (30 Queen Mary credits).


The Queen Mary academic year is divided into two 12-week terms followed by a 6-week term during which examinations take place.

  • Semester 1 = fall semester
  • Semester 2 = spring semester
  • Single semester students cannot take half of a full-year course; however, some full-year courses offer a fall or spring version with a separate course code.

Enrollment Process

Arcadia Courses: You will automatically be enrolled in the Internship or Internship Study course. 

Queen Mary Courses:

  • In late spring or mid-autumn, your Program Advisor will email with course pre-registration instructions.
  • Look out for this email and act immediately when you receive it.
  • Course selections are on a first-come, first served basis.
  • Departments like English and Drama, Economics, History and Biological Sciences fill up extremely quickly.

Grade Scale

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Percentage Description U.S. Equivalent
70 - 100% First Class A
60 - 69% Second Class Upper B+
50 - 59% Second Class Lower B
40 - 49% Third Class / Pass C
0 - 39% Fail F
Intellectual property copyright AACRAO EDGE.