
London School of Economics and Political Science Courses

You will enroll for 32 credits (usually four full year classes, but may go up to a maximum of six).

  • Please review your courses with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure they will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.
  • Please be flexible – we can’t guarantee specific courses. If your participation in the program depends on a particular course, be sure to make a note on your .

Choosing Your Courses

LSE’s courses available to study abroad students are listed by department on the . Select the course name to review the course description, pre-requisites, assessment information, and reading lists.

  • Make sure to list at least one alternate course for every course you select, totaling 6-8 courses, on your academic preferences form.
  • List your choices and alternates in order of preference.
  • Full year courses carry 8 semester hours of credit.
  • Half-unit courses carry 4 semester hours of credit.
  • You will enroll in 32 credits (usually four full year classes).

The LSE academic year is divided into two 12-week terms followed by a 6-week summer term. Most courses are full year courses and run through the fall term (Michaelmas Term - MT) and spring term (Lent Term - LT). All courses, regardless of whether they are taught over the full year or a single semester, are assessed by exams that are held during the summer term (ST). Courses that only run in one term are known as 'half-units' ('H'). Enrollment in two half units is equivalent to enrollment in one full year course. LSE advises against taking more than two half-unit courses.

Enrollment Process

LSE will pre-register students in courses based on their academic preferences form; however, final selection of courses is confirmed only after students arrive at LSE and consult their personal tutors. A few courses are not available to General Course students and some will require the permission of the course tutor.

Departmental Information

  • Students at LSE are placed in one department for the purposes of enrollment.You will need to choose the department in which you wish to enroll.
  • You will be required to take at least one course in your department of enrollment (two courses if you are enrolled in the Economics department).
  • You may then choose to round out your schedule with courses from other departments at LSE, if you wish to do so.

If your enrollment is conditional upon entry into a specific course or courses, it is very important that you indicate these requirements at the bottom of the academic preferences form on your .

Special Considerations

The London School of Economics (LSE) strongly recommends against taking a full load of 300-level courses. LSE will likely not schedule you for more than one 300-level course per year. If you choose to take a 300-level course, you should select one course in your academic specialty, and then round out your schedule with courses at the 100- or 200-level.

Course Restrictions

  • 3.3 GPA if applying to social science departments (such as Sociology, Political Science, and History).
  • 3.5 GPA if applying to departments that focus on quantitative subjects (such as Accounting, Economics and Statistics).
  • Economics Classes: Economics classes at LSE are highly mathematical in nature and are very intensive. Students without at least a 3.5 GPA and background in mathematics and economics may not be approved to take economics classes at LSE.
  • Econometrics Classes: Econometrics classes, in particular EC220, EC221, and EC333, are very rigorous. Students will not be approved for these courses unless they have a very strong background and high grades in both economics and in higher-level mathematics (e.g. advanced calculus, linear algebra, etc.).

For details on specific prerequisites for quantitative courses, visit the .

Grade Scale

For each class, the LSE will provide Arcadia with a class grade of essay/project/assessed work AND a final examination grade. Final grades are an average of classwork completed through the year and the exam.

The following scale is vetted and provided by the General Course (LSE's year-long study abroad programme). This scale provides Average Exam and Class grades using the topmost number in each percentage range.

Grade Range U.S. Equivalent
97 - 100% A+
93-96% A
90 - 92% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C-
67-69% D+
65-66% D
0-64% F
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