Housing is in guest houses and dormitory style housing throughout the program. As you will be traveling through many different places, housing will vary in style and available amenities. Some housing arrangements could also be in a Homestay with a local family.
Meals are provided for students while staying at the CGEE provided housing as well as when traveling on the program activities. Generally, 3 meals per day are provided, but this may vary. Efforts are made to help students manage dietary restrictions and preferences, but specifics should brought to the attention staff prior to departure to help with planning. Meals are not provided during the one-week semester break and students must plan accordingly.
We will spend the first three night at Hotel y Villas Jabel Tinamit – nearby the language school where you will be taking your Spanish course. Bedrooms and bathrooms will be shared between two students. At the end of the first week, you will move on to a homestay with a local family, where you will spend the remainder of your time in Guatemala. For excursions and additional visits around Guatemala (such as Antigua), we will stay in a mix of hotels and guest houses
Classes are held, and housing is offered, at the ("UBL"). This is a spacious and lovely campus with representative Latin American and Caribbean architecture, reminiscent of past and present local traditions and history.
All program excursions are an integral part of the experience and are thus included in the program fee. The philosophy behind CGEE programming is highly experiential. You can expect excursions in all three program locations. Here are some examples:
Why Choose? |
Why Choose Part II? |
Guatemala |