
Hitchhiker's Guide to Study Abroad

Myree Kromer St. Andrews, Scotland


January 23, 2025

So you’ve found yourself in a perilous place, worrying about your upcoming semester abroad. 

You’re going to a new place, which is insanely scary to think about, and you’ve been physically preparing for this trip. You’ve got all your things in order, but there’s still a dread deep within you. Worries that you won’t make any friends, or have the “time of your life” as other people have had. Worries that you’ll find yourself sitting in your room alone on a Saturday night, with your friends back home having fun and you’re so far away. 

Not to fear! I’ve been through those worries, and I’ve got some tricks up my sleeves to aid you in your quest. 

1. In large, friendly, letters: Don’t Panic. 

  • Don’t panic, how quaint. The two words that we all know when we’re in states of calm, but seem to forget when we’re in states of panic. 
  • I know, it seems quite silly to have this as the first thing, but it’s important to think about. 
  • Arcadia has set up so many safety nets for us, but panicking is still okay to do. You’re going to this new place, with new people, and new maps and bus systems, and new currency, and new roads and new smells, and, and; it hurts my head just thinking about it. However, with a plan first, panicking is going to seem friendly. 
  • Take time, either weeks before, or on your flights over, to work through things that might go wrong. Go through all the worries and stress beforehand, knowing that most, if not any, of those things won't actually happen. And, if they do happen, you’ve worked through how to prepare for them, how to work through the steps, and how to utilize Arcadia’s safety nets. 
  • For example: say you worry about your luggage not arriving when you arrive. That’s okay. We are all humans, including the airline people. Having a plan where you know what you’re doing ahead of time, aids in the amount of time needed to spend, and aids in lowering the panic. The plan could be, immediately contacting the Arcadia group chat, going to your airlines luggage department and filing a claim, figure out how long it may take them to process it, and make sure to be in contact with your Arcadia people. Usually it takes 1-2 days for your luggage to be found and sent to you, which is enough time that you’ll be in your central hub that you should have all your bags by the time you leave for your university. 
  • Each plan can take minutes to hours to go through, and that’s okay. Remember, you’re going into a new environment than what you know. You’re going to panic and stumble, that’s just a part of the process. But, if we go through things beforehand, we’re then prepared for what tropical troubles may fall upon us. 

2. Understand you won't get it right on the first try…

  • Just like in freshman year, the first people you meet while abroad might not be your closest friend group in the end. 
  • You’ll meet amazing people, of course, but they might not be the people you spend the most time with. 
  • For example: When I first got to St. Andrews, I made friends with other students who were studying abroad. It wasn’t just Arcadia people either, it was a bunch of people on their exchange. For the first week or so they were the ones I went to pubs with. It was great to meet people in the same situations as me, in fact it was quite comforting. However, those people weren’t the ones I became best friends with. My closest friends and I didn’t meet until late September, almost a month after I had first started at St. Andrews. 
  • Especially as it feels like you’re starting as a freshman again, it’s important to remember how you survived that and utilizing that knowledge to your advantage. 

3. Join clubs, and at least one you don’t do back home. 

  • I know, I know. It sounds quite arbitrary to join a club that you don’t do back home. If I’m already doing something back at my home school, I hear you say, I should continue to do it here. I’m not saying stop what you’re doing completely, I’m saying shift around a wee bit. 
  • For example: At my home school, I play roller derby. Roller derby is a sport where you are going around a rink on roller skates trying to get past other people on the opposing team. At St. Andrews, they do not have a roller derby team. So, when I was looking at their clubs online, I thought to myself “Ice Hockey seems close enough to roller derby.” From there, I found a new favorite sport, gained wonderful friends, and truly didn’t feel alone in a new country. Hockey, though once a split second decision, has now become integral in my life. I play it back home, follow my local hockey teams, and watch the Carolina Hurricanes’ games. I also do Karate back home, and decided to do Taekwondo abroad. Now I am a better fighter, have better technique, and gained more friends. 

4. Save up before going.

  • This is a reminder that you won't have a stable source of income while abroad. It’s important to save up money so you are able to travel, spend time with friends, and are able to get coffee. Many places don’t have a school currency/ fake money, and you’ll have to pay with real money. Especially when the currency exchange rate puts the US dollar at a disadvantage. Don’t forget that many banks and companies will have a translation fee. This fee is usually around $1-$3 (depending on your provider) and it can add up fast. So, over the break before you leave, make sure to save up for your time abroad. 

5. Study your school.

  • Sometimes, where you go might have different schedules and ways of showing grades. It’s important to research them ahead of time so you’re not caught off guard in the most important/stressful times. Ask questions when you’re going to appointments for classes and grades, that way you know the full story before you dive into it. 

6. Breathe. 

  • Sometimes, we get so thrown in our thoughts that we cannot breathe anymore. We get so thrown into this new place that we freeze and spiral. 
  • Remember, thousands of people have gone through the exact same program you have, or something similar. There are tons of other student bloggers, student ambassadors, and Arcadia people that are here to help. We’ve been through it too, and have the knowledge to aid you on your adventure. 
  • You’ve got this. It’s okay to worry, but just remember who you are. You might be far away physically, but don’t let yourself get too far away mentally. 
  • Things are going to happen, and that’s okay. You might have all these plans for what is going to happen while you’re abroad, and it’s okay if it doesn’t go how you picture it in your head. If anything, it adds to your adventure when things go a wee bit off track. 
  • You’ve got this, happy adventures traveler.