
A Weekend in Paris

Angelie Quimbo December 27, 2024

When I first received my acceptance to study in London for the fall semester, I was very excited to be in Europe. I was excited to be immersed in the vast histories and cultures that different regions had to offer. Specifically, I had always dreamt of… More

Tongariro National Park... and More!

Eliana Schaer December 21, 2024

This little trip was planned around doing the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, but of course, wecouldn’t drive for a few hours and not do some fun activities along the way.We drove up on Thursday night and stayed at the Blue Lake Top 10 Holiday Park.Conveniently… More

From London to Durham and Back Again

Angelie Quimbo December 15, 2024

November marks the start of my last full month in the UK before returning to the States. And though I know I will eventually miss my time in a new city and at another university, I couldn’t shake my unwavering feeling of homesickness. As someone who was… More

An Afternoon Getaway in Edinburgh

Mackenzie Sheehy December 9, 2024

While I have enjoyed getting to explore multiple countries in Europe during my time abroad, my favorite trips have been exploring the UK outside of London. During a visit to see one of my friends studying at University of St. Andrews in Scotland, I spent… More

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