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Eating Through Amsterdam

Recently, I took a trip to the Netherlands during the weekend of Sinterklaas, which is the largest St. Nicholas celebration… More

Hannah Jane Zalewski Dublin, Ireland


Hannah Jane Zalewski


Dublin, Ireland

Eating Through Amsterdam

Hannah Jane Zalewski December 13, 2022

Recently, I took a trip to the Netherlands during the weekend of Sinterklaas, which is the largest St. Nicholas celebration in the world. Although I unknowingly visited during this cultural celebration, thanks to my new Dutch friend, Anne, I arrived with… More

Remedies for Homesickness

Hannah Jane Zalewski November 21, 2022

It has been a total of 10 weeks since I have arrived in Ireland. Unfortunately, I have already experienced the most dreaded part of coming abroad: homesickness. But, there are some things I have found have helped me cope with this new challenge.    Say… More

Falling in Love with the Emerald Isle

Hannah Jane Zalewski October 28, 2022

In my month and a half spent in Ireland’s capital, I have found no greater joy than embracing the Irish outdoors. While I consider myself a semi-frequent hiker back in the states, I came to the country blissfully unaware of the outdoor opportunities across… More

Moving Outward: Sprinting and Smiling

Hannah Jane Zalewski October 10, 2022

I picture life as a collection of never-ending concentric circles. Each circle representing a new comfort zone that is designed to be left behind. Where daily challenges are simply opportunities to journey closer towards that outermost circle.  Coming… More