Hannah Leidich, Director of Health, Safety, and Security, and the Health and Safety Team work alongside our Resident Directors and staff in-country to ensure the highest standards of student support. The team has the most up-to-date health and safety information and procedures in place in order to make thoughtful decisions, while keeping parents and our partner institutions in the United States informed about situations occurring in-country. Alisha Divis, Student Wellness Advisor, works closely with students and families for pre-departure health and safety advising.
It is impossible for anyone to anticipate every contingency that might affect our students. But longevity and experience count. With more than six decades of experience directing and administering programs overseas, we have a wide network of contacts in government agencies, among local police forces and in the communities where students are studying. We maintain regular communication with U.S. embassies and consulates to stay abreast of security information. This allows us to develop and implement emergency management procedures appropriate to an emerging situation. As events warrant, we can quickly notify students, advisors and parents/guardians about the steps that are being taken. If the need arises, we are prepared to move students from places where they may be at risk to a more secure environment.
We are committed to meeting the latest best practices in international risk management. Specifically, we follow the guidelines for Health, Safety, Security, and Risk Management outlined in the 's . Additionally, Arcadia promotes , published by and maintains active membership in Pulse: International Health and Safety Professionals in Higher Education.
As part of our regular monitoring of circumstances and events that may affect the well-being of our students, Arcadia is a member of the (OSAC) of the Department of State, a federal and private sector group established to share information and promote security cooperation between the United States government and private sector interests worldwide. The analysts at OSAC provide real-time security information and analysis as well as updates and background information on issues and developments throughout the world.
Arcadia also utilizes ' security monitoring including alerts, analysis, and risk ratings.