
While our staff is prepared to respond in the unlikely event of an emergency situation affecting several people, most emergencies are personal. It is more likely that students will need advice on finding the services of a good doctor, specialist or counselor, or help with emergency travel needs, and our staff is prepared to support them. Additionally, we keep in regular contact with students through newsletters, on-going activities and in-person visits.

Preparing for a Healthy Experience

We encourage students to be proactive in maintaining good health. Discuss with your physician or care provider how any current or past conditions might be impacted by your study abroad plans, taking into account the local conditions and availability of care abroad. Our Program Advisors and Health and Safety Team are available to discuss any health concerns you may have before going abroad.

Personal Health and Self-care Form

As part of the application process, all students complete a Personal Health and Self-care Form. On this form, students are asked to list current or past conditions or disabilities, including:

  • Chronic health conditions
  • Physical or mobility conditions
  • Mental health or emotional concerns
  • Learning disabilities
  • Dietary restrictions or preferences
  • Allergies
  • Strict religious observances

Providing this information will not jeopardize a student’s opportunity for acceptance into our programs. Early disclosure ensures our ability to provide the most appropriate advice and counsel regarding program choice as well as enhancing our ability to provide appropriate support overseas. All information provided is kept as private as possible and does not affect a student’s acceptance into a program.

Prescription Medications

For students that take prescription medication for a chronic ailment, we strongly suggest you bring enough medication to last your entire stay. Understand that certain medications may not be available or legal in your host country. Additionally, some countries limit the amount of medication your can bring, or may require a license or declaration for import. Please speak with your Program Advisor regarding your medications.

  • Be sure to keep a list all medications you regularly use, and have adequate supplies of special items.
  • Brand names and dosages differ from the U.S., and you may have difficulty tracking down the specific medication you want.
  • Be sure all prescriptions you take with you are labeled with your name, the name of your physician, and the generic name of the medication.
  • If you have a medical condition that might require emergency treatment, we strongly encourage you to wear a Medic-Alert bracelet or pendant.