

August 18, 2017

We are deeply saddened by yesterday’s horrific events in Barcelona and Cambrils, Spain and share our deepest sympathies with all those affected. Arcadia’s staff, faculty, and Center in Barcelona have not been impacted by this incident. Arcadia has no students studying or traveling in Spain at this time, though we are reaching out to students departing for Spain this fall, as well as their families, to remind them of the security precautions Arcadia has in place.

Arcadia’s Resident Director in Spain, Dr. Jaume Gelabert, shares the following message in response to the attacks:

"Barcelona has now entered, sadly, the ranks of other great cities hit by the evil plague of terrorism. A senseless, heartless act of terror has struck the heart of our beautiful city in its most popular venue, Las Ramblas, in its most popular time; the summer vacation. Year after year, millions of people choose Barcelona to spend their vacation time among us. It is not hard to see why. Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Its architecture, monuments, promenades, maritime flair, and its joie de vivre, in the shape of its many restaurants, nightlife and leisure options make it one of the top cities in the world to visit or live. The despicable acts of yesterday are an attempt to show the world that some people hate the liberty and lifestyle we lead in Barcelona, where everyone is welcome with open arms. Some folk take advantage of this welcome to hit us hard. But we will not dwell in hate."

Despite this incident, Barcelona and Spain remain statistically very safe, with effective intelligence and emergency services who were able to respond quickly and swiftly to this incident. The College’s Health and Safety team, along with our staff in Spain, are actively monitoring the situation to ensure that all available precautions towards student safety are taken on our programs.