

November 14, 2018

Congratulations to Jared Belsky (Hamilton College) The Forum on Education Abroad’s 2018 Academic Achievement Award. Jared studied abroad with us on the Umbra Institute summer program during the Summer 2017 semester.

Jared was awarded this on a joint ethnographic research project, “Cultivating Activism through Terrior: An Anthropology Sustainable Winemakers in Umbria, Italy,” which focuses on the figure of the vignaioli, an Italian word for both winegrowers and winemakers.

Our research is basically travelling to different wineries around Umbria and meeting with their owners to interview them about their specific viticulture practices and perceptions of terroir, sustainability, farmer identity"

The award is described on The Forum’s as, “The Award for Academic Achievement Abroad is an honor that showcases rigorous and significant undergraduate academics that occur as part of education abroad programs… Academic achievement while abroad represents one of the highest accomplishments of undergraduate student learning. Conducting serious, high-quality academic work while abroad requires critical thinking, analysis, and creativity. The international context poses unique challenges and opportunities for understanding of other cultures and societies.”

In March, Jared and his research partner will give a presentation at The Forum’s 15thAnnual Conference in Denver, Colorado about their experience at the Umbra Institute and their academic project. Over 1,400 international education professionals will be in attendance.